- 潘銘基畢業於香港中文大學,主修中國語言及文學,獲文學士(一級榮譽)、哲學碩士、哲學博士學位。自2006年起任教於本系,歷任一級導師、助理教授、副教授等,現為本系教授、系主任。兼任中國文化研究所劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心名譽研究員、伍宜孫書院副院長暨通識教育主任、大學通識教育部副主任。
- 研究領域包括儒家文獻、漢唐經學、歷代避諱、域外漢籍、博物學等。
- 曾獲香港中文大學校長模範教學獎。
- 著有《孔子的生活智慧》、《孟子的人生智慧》、《孔孟以後的孔孟》、《漢書及其春秋筆法》、《顏師古經史注釋論叢》、《賈誼新書論稿》、《賈誼及其新書研究》、《字書裡的動物世界》、《漢字裡的動物世界》、《九條家本〈群書治要〉校理》、《微觀〈漢書〉:史家筆下的西漢人和事》;散文集《煩囂與寂靜》、《疫下叢譚》等。
文獻學 / 古籍整理與校勘 / 域外漢籍 / 博物學
- “Micro-view of ‘Han Shu’: The Western Han People and Events Written by Historians”《微觀〈漢書〉:史家筆下的西漢人和事》, Hong Kong : Open Page, 2024.6, 204pages.
- “The Collation and Interpretation of the Qunshu Zhiyao from the Kujo-clan edition”《九條家本〈群書治要〉校理》, Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2023.12, Book 1, 453pages, Book 2, 229pages.
- “Confucius and Mencius after Confucius and Mencius”《孔孟以後的孔孟》, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2023.7, 331pages.
- “Animal World in the Chinese Wordbook”《字書裡的動物世界》, Taipei: Wanjuanlou Book Company, 2020, 238 pages.
- “Hanshu and its Spring and Autumn Annals’s writing style”《漢書及其春秋筆法》, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Store, 2019, 424 pages.
- “A Study of Jia Yi and His Jiayi Xinshu”《賈誼及其〈新書〉研究》, Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2017, 266pages.
- “Collected Papers on the Yan Shigu commentaries of Jing and Shi”《顏師古經史注釋論叢》, Hong Kong: Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016, 6 chapters, 279 pages.
Journal Articles:
- “On the Relationship between the Region of the Author of The Book of Songs and The Dialects: Taking Dai Zhen’s Fangyan Shuzheng as the focus of investigation”〈論《詩經》作者所屬地域與《方言》之關係——以戴震《方言疏證》為考察之重心〉, In Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University《南京師範大學文學院學報》, vol.2, 2024.6, pp.56-70.
- “The struggle of Confucius’ disciples”〈孔門弟子的爭鬥〉, In Thinking Through Confucius《走進孔子》,1, 2024.2, pp.41-47.
- “Research on Quoting Shuo Yuan in Qunshu Zhiyao and Discussing the Significance of Collation and Compilation in the Path of National Governance”〈論《群書治要》所引《說苑》之校勘功能及其『治要』意義〉, In Journal of Huizhou University《惠州學院學報》,vol.44, no.1, 2024.2, pp.2-7.
- “The Narrative Technique of Hanshu with Praising the Virtues of Han Dynasty as Orientation: A Discussion Centered on the Similarities and the Differences between Shiji and Hanshu”〈論《漢書》以漢德為尚之敘事手法——以《史記》《漢書》異同為討論中心〉, In Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy & Social Science) 《山西大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》, vol.46, no.6, 2023.11, pp.39-47.
- “A Discussion on when the story of the Two Consorts of Youyu in the Biographies of Outstanding Women appeared”〈《列女傳.母儀傳.有虞二妃》故事出現時代蠡測〉, In Bibliography Quarterly《臺灣書目季刊》, vol.57, no.1, 2023.6, pp.33-49.
- “A Discussion about Qin Dynasty in Han Fu”〈強秦、暴秦、亡秦——論漢賦裡的秦〉, In International Language and Literature《國際言語文學》, vol.53, 2022.12, pp.261-288.
Book Chapters:
- “A Comparative Study of the Tea Literature in Yi Wen Lei Ju and Tai Ping Yu Lan”〈《藝文類聚》與《太平御覽》所載「茗」類文獻比較研究〉, In Tea Culture Tour: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Travel Writings in Chinese《茶文化之旅:第七屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》, Hong Kong: Great Mountain Culture Publication Limited, 2024, pp.144-170.
- “On the disciples of Confucius in the mystery novels of the Six Dynasties”〈論六朝志怪小說裡之孔門弟子〉, In Proceedings of International Conference on classic shaping and text interpretation《水流花開:經典形塑與文本闡釋國際學術研討會論文集》, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2019.12, pp.113-135.
- “On the similarities and differences between the Pictorial Stone Carving of Han Dynasty and the stories in the existing documents”〈論漢畫像石與傳世文獻所載故事之異同〉, In The interpretation of unearthed documents and existing documents《出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋》, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2019.11, pp.262-295.
- “A Study of Qunshu zhiyao’s Quotation of the Shen zi” 〈《群書治要》所載《慎子》研究〉, In Proceedings of Sino-japanese Book International Conference《梯航集:日藏漢籍中日學術對話錄》, Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 11, pp.320-349.
- “On the significance of Jia Yi’s study of Confucian Classics”〈論賈誼經學思想之時代意義〉, In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Studies of the Chinese Classics《嶺南大學經學國際學術研討會論文集》, Taipei: Wan Juan Lou Books Company Limited, 2014.12, pp.906-939.
年度 | 研究計劃 |
2021-2023 | PI, General Research Fund 2020/21, A research on Different Editions of Qunshu Zhiyao in Japan 日本所藏諸本《群書治要》研究, RGC, HK$328,000, 01-2021-06/2023. |
2017-2018 | PI, General Research Fund 2016/17, A Research on the Chinese Taboo Studies in the Qing dynasty 清代避諱學研究, RGC, HK$252,400, 01/2017-12/2018. |
2014-2015 | PI, General Research Fund 2013/14, A Research on Yan Shigu’s study of the Confucius Classics 顏師古經學考, RGC, HK$252,400, 01/2014-12/2015. |